Blog & news
Read about the latest developments in fertility and IVF, new services at Complete Fertility Centre and tips to support you during your fertility journey. You can also sign up to receive regular news straight to your inbox.
How much does IVF cost?
6 June 2017
As you start to compare prices from one clinic to the next, you may find understanding the true cost of IVF at each clinic difficult and confusing at times.
New app to support fertility patients
15 May 2017
MediEmo aims to communicate with, support and empower patients throughout their treatment journey, both logistically and emotionally.
IVF Technology
Transfer your embryos or sperm to Complete Fertility Centre
6 April 2017
You can safely transfer your frozen embryos or sperm to another centre and you can even import frozen samples from a outside of the UK.
Donor program
Same sex egg share packages increasing in popularity
2 March 2017
In this blog you can find out why these packages are so popular with our same sex couples.
Egg sharing
Same sex
Patients invited to participate in fertility research
6 February 2017
We invite our patients to consider participating in our current research programmes: the endometrial scratch trial and E-freeze.
Fertility research
Meet our egg donor team
30 January 2017
If you’re thinking of donating your eggs, or you need to use donor eggs, our dedicated egg donation team are here to help you every step of the way.
Donor program
Egg donor
Egg sharing
Why donate your sperm?
16 January 2017
There are many reasons men choose to donate their sperm to help women and couples have a baby who couldn’t do so without this generous act of donation.
Donor sperm
Eggcellent reasons to donate your eggs
28 November 2016
If you’re considering becoming an egg donor then you’ll already have your own personal thoughts about why you might like to donate your eggs.
Egg donor
Egg donation home or abroad
21 November 2016
If you need donor eggs to have a baby you may consider going abroad for IVF treatment. Complete Fertility in the UK have egg donors available now.
Using donor eggs
Know the facts about age and infertility
3 May 2016
Age is the number one factor that affects female fertility. The biological clock varies from one woman to another but her fertility will progressively decline
Female infertility
Male infertility
Embryoscope™ technology now at Complete Fertility Centre
28 April 2016
Time-lapse Embryoscope™ monitoring is now available to fertility treatment patients at Complete Fertility Centre as part of their treatment cycle.
IVF Technology
6 things you need to know about a Hycosy
12 April 2016
Here at Complete Fertility Centre we offer patients a Hycosy screening test to look at a patient’s uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.
Fertility tests
Free embryology consultation for CFC patients
6 January 2016
We offer your first embryology consultation free of charge whereby by an embryologist will discuss your eggs, sperm and embryos in more detail
About Complete Fertility
9 facts about using donor eggs
21 December 2015
Get the facts about using donor eggs with IVF treatment at Complete Fertility Centre in the UK.
Using donor eggs
Could you be a sperm donor?
21 October 2015
Sperm donors are needed to help couples in the UK achieve their only hope of having a family.
Donor sperm
Forewarned is forearmed
16 September 2015
An awareness of how the biological clock affects natural conception and how fast your biological clock is ticking is invaluable information to you.
Fertility tests
Short wait for donor eggs at Complete
2 July 2015
Here at Complete Fertility we have reduced our waiting times for people requiring donor eggs.
Using donor eggs
More single women are having a baby on their own than ever before
24 June 2015
Latest figures from the HFEA show that the numbers of women undergoing fertility treatment using donor sperm have risen consistently over recent years.
Single women
Patients invited to join our PROMOTE trial and benefit from latest Embryoscope™ technology
17 June 2015
Patients undergoing treatment at the Complete Fertility Centre, Southampton are currently being invited to take part in the PROMOTE trial.
Fertility research
Patients invited to join our trial as the end of recruitment nears
3 June 2015
Patients are invited to take part in a trial to examine if increased levels of certain micronutrients in a couple’s diet improves the embryo quality.
Fertility research