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    We have quality donor eggs for use in fertility treatment at our clinic and only a short wait for our patients who require IVF treatment with donor eggs.

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IVF treatment with donor eggs

Complete Fertility is proud to offer its patients a successful egg donor programme, benefitting from high levels of expertise and experience to help you fulfil your dream of having a baby through egg donation.

We have quality donor eggs for use in fertility treatment at our clinic and only a short wait for our patients who require IVF treatment with donor eggs.

Here at Complete Fertility Centre 46% of women who had IVF/ICSI with donor eggs achieved a clinical pregnancy in 2017.

Who can egg donation help?

Our egg donation programme can help women in the following situations:

  • When women have undergone treatment for cancer, such as surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, that often damages the eggs and ovaries so that no eggs are produced.
  • Where there has been recurrent IVF failure due to poor quality eggs or embryos, or not responding to stimulation, or they have just not been able to fall pregnant.
  • They may have been born with a congenital condition, which means that they have either absent or underdeveloped ovaries.
  • Sadly some women under the age of 40 go through a premature menopause.
  • Where there is a risk of passing genetic disorders to a child.
  • Declining ovarian function due to age.
  • Some women have tried and failed for many years to start a family, sometimes without a known cause of their infertility.

Egg recipient eligibility

Egg recipients must be under 50 years of age and be willing to see our counsellor to fully explore the implications before making a final decision.

Who can be a donor?

An egg donor may be anonymous or known to you such as a family friend or relative. Ideally, an egg donor should be between the ages of 18 and 35 without any history of inheritable conditions. Full information about the eligibility criteria can be found here.

What are your donor egg options?

Our donation programme offers recipients the opportunity to use eggs from a known donor or from an anonymous donor.

Shared eggs

Donor eggs from an altruistic donor are shared between two anonymous recipients or donor eggs are available from a woman who needs IVF treatment herself and who donates half her eggs to an anonymous recipient. We will attempt to fertilise at least four eggs or we will offer compensation.

Anonymous donor matching process

If you choose an anonymous donor, we will do our very best to provide you with a suitable donor that closely matches all of your requirements.

Initially our Donor Coordinator will give you a matching request form and we will submit your details from this form on to our waiting list. We ask you to consider physical characteristics including ethnic origin, height, build, skin tone, hair colour and eye colour. It is important you think about the physical characteristics of yourself and your family to ensure your child fits in well.

Our egg donation team will manage your matching process to provide you with a match that is closest to your requirements.

How do you choose an egg donor?

You can choose an egg donor based on the donors:

  • Health
  • Physical traits including ethnic origin, height, build, skin tone, hair colour and eye colour
  • Education
  • Profession
  • Hobbies
  • Pen portrait - our donors are invited to write a description about themselves and a goodwill message intended for any child or children born as a result of their donation. This information can be used to talk to your donor-conceived child about their origins.

What is the process of using donor eggs?

Our dedicated Egg Donation Team will be your first point of contact with our clinic and they will discuss the treatment journey with you and arrange the process.

Your treatment cycle will be synchronised with the egg donation cycle of your donor, so your body is ready to receive embryos at exactly the right time.

The donated eggs are fertilised with sperm from your partner or donor using IVF. The best resulting embryo will then be transferred into your womb to grow as in a natural pregnancy.

How much does IVF treatment with donor eggs cost?

We offer two packages depending upon your individual choices of egg donor. Our price list can be found here.

What are our success rates for IVF with donor eggs?

In 2017, 46% of our women who had IVF/ICSI with donor eggs achieved a clinical pregnancy. We have donor eggs with just a short wait.

What if more than one embryo is created from the donated eggs?

If there are multiple good quality embryos created, then these embryos can be frozen by us and stored for your future use should you so wish.

Do I need to have counselling when using donor eggs?

All patients using an egg donor are required to use our counselling service, to fully explore the implications, before making any final decisions.

Egg recipient testimonial

Find out more about Leanne's egg recipient story.

New - Egg Recipient Support Group

Complete Fertility is delighted to offer this new support group for egg recipients only.