We’re supporting LGBT’s History Month
It’s LGBT’s history month and to show our support we will be posting a series of blogs on fertility treatment for same sex ladies. We have also arranged an open evening especially for same sex women to come and find out more about their fertility options and to meet our friendly and expert team.
The history of the gay rights movement has greatly impacted on the building of families for same sex couples, together with technological advances in fertility treatments.
The Civil Partnership Act in 2004 allowed same sex couples to form registered civil partnerships and more recently in 2014 gay marriage became legal in England, Wales and Scotland, and with these same sex couples gained parental rights over their children.

DI and IVF treatments increasing for same sex couples
Interestingly since 2014, the HFEA Fertility treatment 2014 to 2016 Trends and Figures report shows an increase of 23 per cent in the number of DI treatment cycles for patients with a female partner (41 per cent of DI treatment cycles were from women who registered with a female partner), and an increase of 30 per cent in the number of IVF treatments for patients with a female partner.

Find out more about fertility treatments for same sex women
At Complete Fertility Centre we are proud of our reputation of providing first class fertility treatment to same sex ladies who wish to start a family.
We work in partnership with our patients to develop a personal fertility treatment plan to help them to have a baby.
Find out more about our sperm bank, IUI, IVF, egg sharing and mutual parenting fertility options and our excellent success rates.
An invitation to our information evening for same sex women
Tuesday 9th April, 5.30-7pm at Complete Fertility Centre
We are delighted to offer a free information evening especially for same sex ladies who would like to become parents.
During the evening you will hear talks about the options available to you as same sex women wanting to start a family.

Our medical director, Professor Ying Cheong and our expert donor team including our donor coordinator, fertility nurse and embryologist will discuss:
• the investigations and treatments available to you
• what’s involved in these procedures
• what to expect on your fertility journey
• the support we offer
• information about our clinic
There will also be the opportunity to ask one to one questions and have a tour of our newly refurbished facilities.
We look forward to welcoming more same sex ladies to Complete Fertility Centre.