Complete Fertility Lifestyle Support Group
The Complete Fertility Lifestyle Support group not only has a series of expert speakers lined up for the monthly zoom meetings but also a Decaff Coffee morning on 16th May. The next zoom call for the support group is 29th April.
All guest speakers are specialists in the field of weight loss and weight management with the aim of enhancing reproductive health and fertility. The group provides support whilst being a reliable resource for individuals and couples navigating fertility challenges.
The 2024 speakers will cover a variety of topics relevant to weight loss and management including diet and exercise and the latest innovations, medications, and surgical options.
Denise Durham, Senior Fertility Counsellor at Complete Fertility explains:
“We have developed this programme in recognition of the crucial link between BMI and fertility. We know some patients are required to reduce their BMI before they can start treatment or qualify for it. The pressure can be enormous and so we have committed to providing as much support as people need, even before their fertility journey starts. Each talk is crafted to a specific challenge and goal facing our group members. It might be weight loss, fitness, diet or inspiring stories and experiences.”
We have an exciting speaker at our next Lifestyle support Session. Dr Chris Airey will be talking about the lifestyle support he can offer through CJA Aesthetics. The company offer medically supervised weight loss programmes designed to help you reach weight goals. They offer many different pathways to help, with their focus being healthy weight loss.
Dr Chris will be talking about nutrition, medication, and the weight loss injection amongst other strategies they offer. He will be answering questions and explaining how these strategies work.
Earlier in the year, consultant gynaecologist Lisa Joels shared her weight loss journey having lost 5 and a half stone over the course of 18 months. She also gave insight into what worked for her, what her motivation was and how she is managing her weight now.
Key features for 2024
· Expert guidance from clinicians
· Community support
· Shared education and resources to increase knowledge
· Positivity and support every step of the way
Open to everyone
The group meets virtually once a month and is open to anyone who is interested in weight loss for fertility. People do not have to be patients of Complete Fertility.
No one should feel alone or unsupported during their weight loss and fertility journey. We are keen to help our patients from the start, even when that is before treatment.
At Complete Fertility, unlike other clinics, our counselling team is available to our patients for as long as they need them. To find out more please email: Patientsupport@completefertility.co.uk